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Oil Analysis – PM Scout by LSI-Labs


Preventative Maintenance Fluid Analysis is an effective, inexpensive tool which provides information about the internal condition of the major components in vehicles and equipment.

Preventative Maintenance Fluid Analysis is an effective, inexpensive tool which provides information about the internal condition of the major components in vehicles and equipment.

OIL ANALYSIS is an accurate way to determine oil health, oil contamination and machine wear. It is a valuable preventative maintenance tool than can help identify potential problems before a major repair is necessary, while also potentially reducing the frequencies of oil changes.

OILTEST1 Oil Scout (Analysis) Routine engine, transmission, hydraulic and gear box testing, plus Base Number*
OILTEST2 Oil Scout + Cleanliness Check (Particle Count) Add Particle Count to Oil Scout
OILTEST3 Oil Scout + Engine Monitor (Ferrography) Add Ferrography to Oil Scout
OILTEST4 Oil Scout + Cleanliness Check (Particle Count) + Engine Monitor (Ferrography) Add Particle Count and Ferrography to Oil Scout
OILTEST5 Varnish Scout (Analysis) Varnish potential (typically for turbine and hydraulics with servo valves)

*Acid Number instead of Base Number available upon request.